Why am I in this business?

I have so many stories, so many reasons for being in this business.

I have decided to share a small sample of my more personal stories.

In the end, what matters to me is that we all sleep better at night, knowing that we, and our families, will be okay.

Bradley Cohen, FSA
Photo of Brad with his father, Allan
My father's story
In 2013, my dear father succumbed to ALS (commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease). He was diagnosed a few years earlier, and really could have used extra money to help with care, treatment, and just the added expenses that come along with any major illness.

He didn’t have Critical Illness Insurance to help with all the extra expenses, and I realized how significant those are. Things that you don’t expect, some small, some very significant. An elevator installed on the staircase. A nurse to come to the house to provide care. A special chair to facilitate moving to his wheelchair. Parking at the hospital every time he had to see a doctor, and then later, daily parking for my mother when he was in palliative care.
My Mother's Story
Years earlier, my mother was diagnosed with a fairly dangerous form of cancer just before my wedding in Brazil. She also didn’t have critical illness insurance and had to rely entirely on the health care system. Thank goodness she was diagnosed early and was able to recover completely in a short period of time. For her, the insurance payout wouldn’t have made such a difference, but it certainly would have made it easier to come to the wedding and dance!
My mother and father
A photo of my great grand-parents
My Great-Grandmother's Story
My mother’s maternal grandparents come to Canada from England, reasonably wealthy at the time. My great-grandfather started a cinema (I believe eventually expanding to three) at a time when cinemas were brand new, and very profitable. Sounds like I’m bragging? No, just wanted to put in perspective that when my great-grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, her husband sold everything and used the money for treatment. Back then, critical illness insurance (and really socialized medicine as we know it) didn’t exist, but could you imagine where they’d have been if insurance could have paid for all those expenses? Where my parents would have been, financially?
My Friend's Story
A number of years ago, I was speaking to an old friend of mine*, and the topic of life insurance came up. She told me that she didn’t “believe in life insurance.” and asked me not to bring it up again. I sincerely regret that I didn’t.

In the summer of 2020, she suffered a terrible heart attack one night, and we lost her within a week. She left a husband and two beautiful daughters, and if the emotional turmoil wasn’t enough, her GoFundMe page didn’t raise even close to enough for a funeral, forget taking care of the girls, having raised less than $4,000.

I was really shaken (especially as she had been a close friend in high school), but it’s a reminder to me of why I do what I do.

** Please note that I am not including my friend’s name out of respect for her family

My Story
While working in technology, whether I was trying to solve problems or focused behind-the-scenes, my goal was always a better customer experience. To me, being a financial security advisor requires the same commitment. The best way to be successful and ensure we’re making a positive difference is to focus entirely on the client. Product, in the end, is simply a solution that’s identified during the planning process.

I believe in giving back to my community. When my wife and I aren’t busy with our three children, we spend our time volunteering with our community and synagogue, and helping out where we can.

In the end, helping people protect what is important to them is a very rewarding idea for me. I help people build more than just wealth – a legacy.

And with that, hopefully the ability to sleep a bit better at night, knowing that you're protected, and prepared.

What We Do

We specialize in helping you with a holistic financial plan. When specialized expertise is required, we have access to a team of professionals who specialize in tax, law, accounting, investments, insurance, group benefits, mortgages, and financial planning.

I also partner with various external companies when appropriate for my clients’ needs, and work alongside them to ensure that the goals and needs are at the forefront.